dinsdag 31 december 2024
vrijdag 20 december 2024
95 x 110 potlood olieverf (2024)
The more bored you are, the more attached you get.
I'm so bored, I no longer want to die.
The table turns towards Cavalli. She's nowhere to be noticed. I notice an unfamiliar Selbstporträt instead, that of Björn Breitholtz.
Next to it, on page 241 of the same volume, the portrait of a young woman.
The unfinished Cavalli volume beneath a postcard with a view on the Dolomiti del Catinaccio, a mountain range somewhere north of Trente. The Cavalli volume, a 2018 Penguin with on page 86 The more bored you are, a line from Pigre divinita e pigra sorte, is half on top of a book with a massive collection of Cas Oorthuys pictures. The more bored you are, the more attached you get. Essais critiques by Roland Barthes and the Editions de minuit of Heinrich Müller's Hamlet-machine are on top of the other half.
The Leica edition at the left bottom corner is that of 1967–6. It has a selfportrait of Björn Breitholtz on page 240. Next a pile of unidentified volumes.
A heavy shadow beneath a portrait of the dark-haired girl. Spats of oil paint. Scratches.
Some more unfinished volumes. The one with Cavalli on top of it is Birds of Rio Grande do sul Brazil, Part 1, Rheidae Through Furnaricidae.
Somewhere to the left La Table by Francis Ponge.
The main volume, partly hidden beneath a range of postcards, is a DBZ–baufachbücher edit from Bertelsmann Fachverlag, published in 1968, Einfamilienhäuser Bungalows Ferienhäuser : Offene Wohnformen. The blue is bleu de Sèvres, by Williamsburg.
zondag 8 december 2024
vrijdag 6 december 2024
A small, miserable thread through familiar landscapes.
Landscape is a plural, familiar the adjective. It's a family of landscapes. The vaste desertland mentioned in that precious Longfellow-Shakespeare joke.
Matthew, a Bostonian on his way to Bastogne. Wrote me and said,
Yes, I am currently in Bastogne and have enjoyed visiting the 101st Airborne Museum and Bastogne Barracks. Tomorrow I will visit Bois Jacques, where you can still see the foxholes the American troops took shelter in during German bombings.
Talk soon
One step missing to get to Timbuktu. The old ceiling in a newday setting. Last week and/or some week before a female who couldn't see any other story than the one she hadn't survived. It had been completed without her awareness of its fatal ending. That's how most stories end.
Miss Hazy, did she receive the book that I send her a couple of years ago? To my knowledge, as no feet came back on it, she didn't.
I told you. Not one tree in a circumspect distance of thousand of trees. It had gardens of course, and a couple of trees here and there, and somewhere near the remains of the Amazon some brushwood with the size of Green Park maybe, but nothing, hundreds and hundreds miles north of Manaus, nothing compared to the vaste rain forest it once had. As Quammen examined.
Three of them dogs. Three of them dogs.
One of them dogs in a kid limousine. The breed comes with a pink jacket.
It's not three of them dogs, it's four of them dogs.
Four of them dogs. Four of them dogs.
And three of them dogs in the kid limousine.
Goed dat er nog plekken zijn waar je dineren kan zonder dat je dat op voorhand moet laten weten.
De man met 1 hand maakt gebruik van de andere hand, die er niet is, om zichzelf een biertje in te schenken, door wat bleef van z'n rechter onderarm tegen de laterale zijde van het middenrif te drukken, wat hij net zo vlotjes doet alsof hij wel twee handen had.
Sinds 2013 lees ik in Old Masters, de Engelse versie van Alte Meister, van Thomas Bernhard, in de vertaling van Ewald Osers, en dat heb ik nog steeds niet uit, laat staan dat ik het vijf keer na elkaar gelezen of beluisterd had kunnen hebben.
Doctoreren op een platonische coïtus. Het wijnglas, kaarslicht, een boek, de leesbril, een waarneming die begint met en eindigt op rode sokken, het natte wegdek, braakliggend terrein.
donderdag 5 december 2024
braaf zijn
Braaf zijn betekende ook dat je alles opat en niet moeilijk deed over wat op tafel kwam. Helemaal nooit kwam het in hen op dat je ook de kerstboom opeten kon.
dinsdag 3 december 2024
a new page
A new page is a page that is new.
This is a new page. It's new to me./
The date is Tuesday. Tuesday December 3d.
That's for the date/.
I have no idea what I intend to write.
I'm writing. I have
I have no idea on what I would like to write about.
Do I wish to write about something? Yes. Yes. Yes.
I certainly do. Yes. Of course. I certainly do.
I don't know what I'm gonna write within
I was not aware of the fact that I would write within and I forgot why I wrote it.
Do you want to know why,
or do you pretend not to have awareness of it,
why I don't know what my following sentence may bring,
or don't you want to know?
You are not interested? Good. Very good.
Are you not interested or do you pretend to have no interest whatsoever in
Let's call it my claim.
Right. You have no interest whatsoever. Good. Very good.
Can you imagine why I consider to keep on talking? Right.
Of course.
Nah, you can't. Sorry.
Is this on the sexual behaviour of pavement?